Vesivärava 50, Tallinn
Working days – 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday – closed
Sunday – closed
Areas of law
Legal services
Insurance law and indemnification
In our daily life, we often face insurance in its various forms and kinds. When you want to go on a long journey or on vacation, you are often offered to obtain travel insurance, and when you buy a car, there is always a choice: whether to buy Casco insurance or not.
All these kinds of insurance are voluntary, but there are also mandatory: traffic insurance, unemployment insurance, pension and medical insurance. Insurance is designed for protection of the policyholder from unpleasant surprises, covering the costs of unforeseen material costs and losses, thereby reducing possible financial risks.
The company Kalashnikov Law Office offers its clients consultations and legal support on issues related to insurance law and indemnification.
Insurance law, in its essence, regulates contractual relations or relations between the policyholder and the insurer based on the relevant legislation of the Republic of Estonia. Compulsory insurance is relatively simple: it is based on a specific law before which all people are equal. Voluntary insurance, in turn, is based on debt law and is concluded by signing a contract between the parties, where the buyer (policyholder) undertakes to pay the insurance premium, and the seller (insurer), upon the occurrence of a sudden event, undertakes to pay a pre-agreed amount of money or to provide a specific service.
The most popular and common in everyday life insurance contracts include:
- Traffic insurance, Casco insurance
- Home and property insurance, credit insurance
- Travel insurance, accident insurance
- Health insurance, life insurance
- Pet insurance
- Civil liability insurance
- Legal expenses insurance
The main objective of insurance is to give the client a sense of security and confidence in the future. But it is not always so simple: contractual relations are often fraught with many pitfalls and surprises. It happens that the client is dissatisfied with the compensation paid, or even does not receive any compensation at all. Who is right after all? It is not always easy to find an answer to this question.
In our office, you can get the following services:
- Consultations on insurance law and related legislation
- Legal analysis of insurance contracts and insurance cases
- Legal assistance in obtaining payment on insurance claims
- Legal assistance in case of the civil liability event
- Analysis and assistance in drawing up of road traffic accident documents, legal assistance to road traffic accident participants
Kalashnikov Law Office will provide you with quality legal support and legal assistance on any matter related to the topic of insurance law.
If you want to schedule a counseling session with a lawyer, you can fill out the appropriate form on our website, you can also call 677 55 44 or send a letter to the e-mail address: klienditugi@kalashnikov.ee
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