Vesivärava 50, Tallinn
Working days – 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday – closed
Sunday – closed
News and articles
Alimony Amount in Estonia for 2024/25
Alimony refers to mandatory financial payments that one parent provides to the other for the support of their mutual child….
The minimum size of the child support in the year 2020 in Estonia
Child support in the year 2020 The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office report that due to the increase of the…
The minimum size of the child support in the year 2019
Child support in the year 2019 The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office report that due to the increase of the…
License for cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies turnover in Estonia
Amendments to the Estonian legal framework At the end of the year 2017, the updated Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing…
Contact person service for legal persons and companies. For non-residents of Estonia
The contact person is required for all companies and firms where management board members (directors) are non-residents of Estonia. The…
Amendments to the Commercial code of Estonia (contact person, location of the board and register-based data of the enterprise)
Kalashnikov Law Office experts report that since 15.01.2017, some amendments to the Commercial code of the Republic of Estonia have…
The minimum size of the child support in the year 2017
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office emphasize that in relation to the decision of the Government of the Republic< /...
Companies in Estonia for residents of Ukraine
Dear residents of Ukraine, Due to the increasing interest in Estonian companies among the residents of Ukraine, we have prepared…
What is an apostille?
Apostille is a standardized certificate, issued as an annex or supplement to a document, which confirms the competence of the…
Parental rights and rights for the guardianship of the child
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office remind that in Estonia the relations between children and parents are regulated by Family…
Consent to travel or departure of a child abroad
Clients often turn to our office asking what is a document confirming the permission of the parent or parents for…
Notarized will
The notary certifies the will drawn up by him according to the will of the testator or presented to him…
A testament is an unilateral deal by which the legator (hereinafter the testator) gives instructions regarding the inheritance in case…
When the spouse has no inheritance rights
The surviving spouse does not have the right to inherit and the right to a preliminary share, if the testator…
Spouse as the heir-at-law
Together with the relatives of the testator, the surviving spouse inherits by law, along with the heirs of the first…
Heirs of the third order according to the law
The heirs of the third order, in accordance with the law, are the grandparents of the testator and their descending…
Heirs of the second order according to the law
Heirs of the second order, in accordance with the law, are the parents of the testator and their descending relatives….
What should you pay attention to when selling or buying a garage?
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office remind you that when preparing for and carrying out the deal of purchase and…
Heirs of the first order according to the law
The heirs of the first order, in accordance with the law, are the descendant relatives of the testator. If, at…
Hereditary succession
Hereditary succession takes place if the deceased did not leave a valid will or contract of inheritance. If the testator’s…
What is the basis for inheritance?
The grounds for inheritance are: the law (hereditary succession) or the last will of the testator, clearly expressed in the…
Who cannot be the heir?
Persons who are considered unable to inherit: intentionally and unlawfully caused the death of the testator or tried to do…
Who can be the heir?
The ability to inherit is the ability of a person to inherit. A person having ability to inherit is any…
The opening of the inheritance and devolution of the inheritance to the heir
The inheritance is opened in the case of the death of a person. The time of the inheritance opening is…
What is inheritance?
Inheritance is the property of the testator. Inheritance is not the rights and obligations of the testator, inextricably linked to…
Company in Estonia for residents of Latvia using eID, ID-card
Dear residents of Latvia, good news for you! Now you can buy a ready-made company (similar to the Latvian SIA)…
Do the things acquired by the spouse by inheritance or by gift belong to the joint property?
Things acquired by spouses during their marriage for free use, including by gift or by inheritance, are not included in…
It often happens that the child’s parents stop living together and cannot agree who and when will see the child….
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office are often asked about the division of joint property after divorce. In order to…
Duties of the child in relation to parents (Family law of the Republic of Estonia)
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office remind you that the children, in addition to all kinds of rights, also have…
The minimum rate for child support in 2016
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office inform that in connection with thedecision of the Government of the Republic of Estonia…
What to do with the item found?
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office remind and warn that the appropriation and use of an item found can be…
Penalties for driving in the state of intoxication
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office remind and warn that driving a vehicle in the state of intoxication is the…
Marrying a foreigner in the territory of Estonia
Document stating that there is no obstacles preventing the marriage Our office is often contacted by couples in which one…
Legal advice for starting businessmen: how to register a company (LLC – OÜ) and other questions about business and company formation in Estonia
The experienced lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office offer consultations on the establishment of a new company (opening and formation of…
Lawyer’s consultation on family law – EUR 35/hour.
Do not postpone a visit to a lawyer! For more information seethe page family law. The companyKalashnikov Law Office will…
Discount on the purchase of ready-made companies!
The price of a ready-made company when buying with an ID-card now isEUR 255! Companies available for sale can be…
New ready-made companies are added for sale!
Attention! New ready-made companies are added for sale! The price of buying a new ready-made company digitally using an ID-card…
Start your own business in Estonia
Company Kalashnikov Law Office offers to international investors interested in the development of their business in Estonia services for the…
Company formation with the participation of an experienced lawyer – EUR 50!
Attention! It is time to start your business!We will help you to legally correctly carry out the procedure of registration…
It is time to start your own business!
Attention! It is time to start your own business! Kalashnikov Law Office offers you to purchase a new ready-made company…
Advantages of company formation in Estonia
Our partners and potential clients often ask why foreign investors are interested in your country? Why do more and more…
Purchase of a ready-made company with the contributed authorized capital. What are the advantages?
It is better to establish a company without an authorized capital or to buy a ready-made company with the contributed…
Lawyer’s consultation on family law – EUR 35
Attention! Do not delay a visit to a lawyer! For more information seethe page family law. Lawyer’s consultation atKalashnikov Law…
The size of the subsistence level in 2015
This information will be useful for families with low income applying for state or municipal subsidies and benefits. In accordance…
The minimum size of the child support in the year 2015
The lawyers of Kalashnikov Law Office inform that in connection with thedecision of the Government of the Republic of Estonia…
Amendments to the Law on citizenship
The amendments to the Law on citizenship assume that children of parents who have legally lived in Estonia at least…
The most important amendments to the laws of the Republic of Estonia in early 2015
The lawyers ofKalashnikov Law Office remind you that at the beginning of 2015 there were some important amendments to the…
Kalashnikov Law Office is now on Facebook
Visit and like us: facebook.com/oigusburo Respectfully yours, team of Kalashnikov Law Office
New ready-made companies went on sale at the price of EUR 295
A ready-made company is a limited liability partnership entered into the commercial register with the contributed authorized capital, which has…
Happy New Year 2015!
The team of Kalashnikov Law Office wishes you a happy New Year! We wish you health and happiness! Let it…
- Alimony Amount in Estonia for 2024/25
- The minimum size of the child support in the year 2020 in Estonia
- The minimum size of the child support in the year 2019
- Company in Estonia for residents of Latvia using eID, ID-card
License for cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies turnover in Estonia
Amendments to the Estonian legal framework At the end of the year 2017, the updated Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing…